Hi, I'm Yash

a freelance web developer

Building web applications with React, Next.JS, Material UI, Tailwind CSS, Redux, Vercel, and MySQL. I'm building opppen.space and savimo.app


Some of the projects are from work and some are on my own time.

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Next Auth V5 - project built with nextjs, tailwindcss and next-auth to create custom authentication system for a website. With this, we can easily give role based access to users in the application.

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Instagram Clone

Instagram clone built with ReactJS, Chakra UI, and Firebase.

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Dev Overflow

Dev Overflow is a platform for developers to share their knowledge and help others. Built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and MongoDB.

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learning Management System

LMS app - project built with nextjs, tailwindcss and next-auth to create custom authentication system for a website. With this, we can easily give role based access to users in the application.

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Ecommerce Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard for creating ecommerce stores. Built with NextJS, tailwind and PlanetScale.